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GSO Test

GSO Test


The impact of our meaningful, memorable and magical curriculum is exceptional:


-  Children are happy, confident with a strong sense of belonging and a love of learning.

-  Children develop detailed knowledge and skills from their exciting Learning Journeys which supports them in developing their long term memories and knowing and remembering more.

-  Children love books and read widely. Their core skills are consistently above average.  SEND children achieve exceptionally well.

-  Families are very well supported and have higher aspirations for their children.

-  Children are prepared for the future challenges that they will face as they get older, they leave our school having enjoyed and embraced many memorable learning experiences along the way.


At Parkhill Infants’ School we know that the impact of what we do cannot always be measured in data sets and numbers. This has become even more apparent since the Coronavirus pandemic.  We always look holistically at each unique child and we are proud of each and every one of them.