Children's Roles and Responsibilities in School
At Parkhill Infants’ School our children play a genuine and active role in shaping and supporting our school community.
There are many jobs to do to keep our school running smoothly, so the children are very busy!
School council members
Every class has two school council members who are voted for by the class at the start of the school year. School council meets every week with a member of the school leadership team (SLT) to share and discuss the children’s thoughts on how to develop and improve the school. Ideas that are discussed and agreed are then presented to Mrs Teague, our Headteacher.
Unicef ambassadors
As a Gold standard Rights Respecting School, Our Unicef ambassadors champion the articles from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Regular meetings are held with Miss Biggs and the ambassadors assist in school activities related to promoting the Unicef agenda. This includes organising days like Article 7 Day where we celebrate the importance of having a name.
Library Monitors
Our library monitors have an important role to play in organising and taking care of our school library. After weekly class library sessions they make sure everything is left tidily. They meet regularly with Mrs Ruf for training and ensuring the library is maintained.
Digital Leaders
Our digital leaders work with Mrs Chowdhury (our computing lead) to support the use of technology throughout the school. They have a good understanding of how to stay safe online and share this with others in assemblies, class talks and parent workshops.
Coat monitors
Our coat monitors are part of our health and safety team. They keep our corridors clear and tidy by making sure that children hang up their coats and put away personal belongings. When items of clothing are on the floor, our coat monitors ensure that they are picked up and put away in the correct places.
Friendship Heroes
Our friendship heroes are chosen because they have demonstrated care and kindness towards others. They play an active role in supporting children who are lonely on the playground and are positive role models for others.
Reading Champions
Reading champions are chosen for their love of reading, their willingness to share this passion with others and enthusiasm to promote reading throughout the school. Our reading champions recommend books to others in their class and talk about their favourite authors.
Sports Champions
Our sports champions are positive role models who are trained in using equipment and promoting ways to keep active and handle equipment safely. They help Miss Todd to organise sporting events throughout the year including our sports days!