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GSO Test

Before and After School Care


The school provides Breakfast and After-School care through an outside company, Parklanes Wykeham Ltd.  They are Ofsted registered and under the past system were rated Outstanding (new criteria is Met or Fail.  Parkhill's setting was judged as having "Met" the standards during the recent inspection - see below).

 Please note that this is not a drop-in service - your child must be registered with Parklanes Wykeham before they attend the club.


Breakfast Club starts at 7.30am, the children are taken to join their class at the start of the school day.   The club supplies a variety of breakfast to suit your child’s dietary requirements: cereals (various choices), toast, (with or without jams), fresh orange juice, milk or water. 


 After School Club runs from the end of school day (3.15pm) to 6pm.  Children are provided with a nutritious snack and a relaxed environment after a day at school. 


 For further information, and to register your child for a place, please see the website:

Parklane Wykehams Website 

Latest Ofsted Report - November 2021