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School Day

 The School day begins at 9.10am for the main school and ends at 3.15pm.

Post-Covid, We have introduced a walk-through system for drop off and collection - please queue outside the designated school gate for your child's class/year group and the gates will be opened as follows for drop off and collection - please leave and enter by the correct gates to ensure free-flowing movement and to avoid queues building up.   

 Reception Classes:     8.55am-9.10am Drop Off                2.55pm-3.10pm Collection

Year 1 and Year 2:        9.00am-9.10am Drop Off                3.10pm-3.20pm Collection

If you are running late or wish someone else to collect your child please let the office know as soon  as you can, before 3pm if possible so that a message can be sent to their class teacher in good time. 

Lunchtime for Reception begins at 11.30am and ends at 12.30pm.

For Y1  lunch begins at 11.45am and ends at 12.45pm.

For Y2 lunch begins at 12.00pm and ends at 1.00pm.

Children going home for lunch to accommodate GP appointments etc. should be collected from the school office gate and should not return before their respective end times for the afternoon session.  

Nursery Drop Off and Collection Gate Times

Nursery Morning Drop Off -  8.30am-8.40am

Nursery Morning Collection - 11.15am-11.30am

Nursery Afternoon Drop Off - 12.30pm-12.40pm

Nursery Afternoon Collection - 3.15pm-3.30pm